Monday, October 09, 2006

I was in Dubai throughout last week on an improptu official assignment,my colleague that was suppose to represent the company at the Telecomm Fair was hospitalised and management decided to send me in her place.I was not really in the mood for that after all the stress that i passed through over the weekend but who am i to say NO when my employer says YES.I called my oga that monday before i left but he was just himself asking me why i bothered to tell him and since i dont need his permission to do what i like and i just dropped the call.
I had a nice time and the fair was educating,i met quite a lot of people and i use that opportunity to unwind and visit a lot of nice spot-the place is a nice tourist centre.I called my friend from there to apologise for my behaviour on that day and he took it lightly and we even joke about the whole thing and i promise to take him out for dinner when i get back on my bill.Thereafter,he calls me day and night and we had lot to gist about and i find him intelligent and he just asked me on thursday when i was leaving and i said Sunday morning and he asked jokingly whether i could obliged him my company for 2 days and i said why not without thinking and he said he has an appointment in London for Monday afternoon and he could route his ticket through Dubai and meet on friday and leave for London on sunday and i was trapped somehow but who knows

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