Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My spirit have been so down since last sunday plane crash,you need not know anybody in that plane before you feel the pain and for christ sake it could have been anybody.My friend have been downcast since,he later got to know of three other friends in the ill-fated plane.I tried to talk to him and make him realise he has to be strong so that he can give all the necessary support to his best pal family.The world is just an empty place,we aspire to be this and that,we struggle to get more and more money but at the end of the day,its all vanity.Nobody knows tomorrow,we should create time for ourself and families because we never can predict what happen next.

My oga too lost some friends in that plane and they were supposed to travelled together,he missed the flight narrowly.He just kept saying i would have been in that plane if not that his wife got a call from her mother very early that morning that the father had an attack and has to be rushed him to hospital .He had to postponed his travelling because it would have been insensitive if he didnt go with her and he later got the news.

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