Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I just found myself on hospital bed on monday morning and could not remember how i got there in the first place.As i just opened my eyes i saw my mother with a distress look on her face and all kind of wires taped to my body and she just jumped up as i called her and i asked her what i was doing there.She told me my friend said she got to my place on saturday morning as we agreed and even wanted to sleep over so that we can have some time together to gist but noticed that i was looking frail and asked me if there was anything wrong with me and i said no.We were just in the kitchen to make lunch for us when i just collapse and before she could get somebody to assist her to put me in the car,i was bleeding and she just called her on her way to my office hospital and since then i have been in comma off and on.

I just dozed off after and faintly heard my man voice asking my mother how iam feeling now and if i have been able to say anything since he left.I just smile within myself that somehow he cares about my well being and wish i did not have to put him through all these stress but i did not pray to fall sick.By the following morning,i have regain my strength and can talk like i use to and was somehow pained that i lost the pregnancy and had to do evacuation.I thank God that my friend was with me when it happened and could quickly take me to hospitable-things like that easily kill women if they dont get assistance on time.My man was all over me and treated like his baby.

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